Thursday, February 26, 2009


Just fresh from watching a bunch of interviews with the octo-mom. What I find that really sucks in this society is how we coddle people. She had 6 kids alone, hasn't worked for the last 10 years, living off the dole.. and then wanted to have another one?!! I say let her figure it out for herself!

As for the children.. give me a break. There are so many children in this world who fall between the cracks, at least hers have media coverage and a fighting chance. And really.. do we *really* want to help her propagate her genes?

I've got kids of my own, so I feel for the children.. but she should not be allowed to benefit from her own stupidity.

She says that she wants to write a book?! C'mon people.. do you really want to take advice from someone who's caring for 14 children under 8? Not me. I found out enough about Ms. Octo-mom and I hope that people DON'T help her so that (perhaps for the first time in her life) she'll be held accountable for her own actions. But think about the kids? If people help her, then she's just going to have more kids and take more advantage of people's generosity. It's never going to stop.

One question that raises in my mind is the expense of IVF. If she hasn't been working for the last 10 years and has 6 mouths that she can't feed and needs to accept food stamps, how was she able to afford invitro? Seems like poor money management skills.. to the extent that she's using available funds for herself rather than for her existing children. Another reason to not help her. Let the state take away her children and let them find homes for her children. And if she has more, let those be taken at the hospital because she's not capable of caring for them.

This society seems to cater to those who live irresponsibly and then turn around and ask for a handout. Why are we rewarding those type of people? Wouldn't it be better to help people who are really trying and doing things responsibly?

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Recently, a study was done on seniors and found that taking multivitamins did nothing to improve health. I had always wondered about whether our bodies can actually use vitamins that have been extracted from their natural source or man made.

I suspect that having apple juice gets us no vitamin C--unless it's freshly juiced. We do funky stuff to our food. Did you know that half a grapefruit contains all the vitamin c you need in a day? On the other hand, a 300mL bottle of grapefruit juice contains no vitamin c. What the heck did we do to that poor grapefruit?

Then when you consider all the vitamin no-no's that people don't tell you. Did you know that iron and vitamin c shouldn't mix? Same with calcium and vitamin c. But multivitamins contain them side by side by side. Who knows what the benefits are. Or if there are any.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Best site ever

That's the best site ever in terms of information for skunk smell removal. Let's just say that there's at least one that's set up a den under our front steps (concrete steps.. it dug under it). I wasn't in a huge panic to get rid of the skunk because I didn't think it would spray near its home. It was a nuisance to be afraid of taking the garbage out.. We didn't have a confirmed sighting of the skunk until the night before last.

But now that I've read more about skunks (more than I've ever wanted to know).. the female will sometimes spray a male if she's not interested. I suspect this is what happened.

Now the problem is the smell in the house. I don't know how to get rid of it. I'm trying lots of different things, but the smell is coming from the front of the house, under the front steps.. likely inside the skunk's den. I think it's seeping in through the walls.

So this is what I've done. I've put out bowls of vinegar, I'm burning scented candles, I'm boiling coffee, I'm baking coffee grounds and cinnamon in the oven at 250, I've got all the windows open, I've got a fan going. I'm very, very sensitive to smell so the only reason why I haven't run from the house screaming is a pair of swimmer's nose plugs (while sitting next to an open window). Thank goodness. Before I thought of the nose plugs, I was shaking from the smell. I had sat myself and my infant daughter beside an open window. It's pretty cold outside.. close to freezing.

Strangely enough, my husband doesn't seem to be too affected by the smell. I wish that I didn't have my super olfactory senses. It's good for detecting spoilt milk better than anyone I know, but this is ridiculous.

What am I doing about the skunk? Previously, we put mothballs in the den and the skunks left. My husband got some heavy wire to block off the opening and covered it all with lots of gravel. That was the one side that was easily accessible. The other side, he put gravel down it, but it was difficult because of the roots of a bush. I thought that would be enough. At the time, it was the middle of winter and my husband asked if he should pour concrete down it. It was very cold, so I told him not to and that we could do it in the spring. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb!

So that's our plan. As soon as they/it leaves, we will pour concrete down the side. Might also dig up the other side and pour concrete down that side, too. I don't know. I don't want to have to go through this again.

It's so bad that my plans are to go live with my sister temporarily. This will be a huge pain because it will mess up both my kids' sleep. I don't know. Maybe the house just needs a day to air-out.

I'll be heading to the store to pick up some vapor-rub to put under my nose. I can't live like this.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

So in love

I'm so in love with my son. He's adorable. I could do without the night time wakings and the tantrums, but he's just the sweetest little boy. After a tantrum, he'll seek you out for an extended hug. Same with the night time wakings. And I gotta tell you, he gives the best hugs in the world. There's something about the strength of the little arms holding your neck that's the most precious feeling in the world. And then there's the funny little things that he does. If you've got your face cuddling his head and you lift your head before he's done with his hug, he'll pull your face down.

It's a pure, innocent love that's simply intoxicating.

Even the times when he's not cooperating, it's very cute. You can almost see his toddler mind working. There is no malice, no negativity behind his intentions. He wants to play, he wants to laugh, he wants to feel loved, he wants to feel important, he wants to feel independent. It's all very sweet and endearing.

I'm shocking myself with this sudden change in attitude. Previously, I found his tantrums exhausting. I'm not sure what's happened, but for the last 24 hours, I've felt nothing but love for the little guy. Maybe it's baby-sitting my niece that's changed things. He used to get irritable starting around 4 or 5 in the early evening, but we've been picking up my niece from daycare at that time and the two of them have a blast until it's time to go to bed.

Maybe it's because I see him interact with her. He's totally in love with her. He'll share everything with her. He follows her around and imitates her. She, being older and wiser, tries to "teach" him things. Mostly, she'll read to him and point out the names of items and tries to get him to repeat after her. She also goads him into doing things that he shouldn't. It's sweet watching them play.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Terrible two's aren't so terrible

Tonight, I saw a side of two year old's that make them far from terrible. Okay, they've got those tantrums and they're impossible to reason with. The other day, my son threw a tantrum because he couldn't defy gravity. What can you do about that one?

As a 2 year old, my son's intentions are completely pure. His motives are clear, for the most part.

Unfortunately, my 7 month old has bed time needs that I can't ignore anymore.. so perhaps I'll post more on this later.