Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Scooters and power wheel chairs

A power wheel chair should be easier to navigate than a scooter because a power chair is smaller. However, folks who use scooters say that scooters are easier to navigate.  Scooters have a higher center of gravity, so you have to be very cautious about rough terrain and you must take curbs in the center of the cut-outs/ramps.

There are various levels of power chairs and scooters.  The low end ones have flimsy tires that can't handle the outdoors much and can't go very fast.  The higher end models have sturdier tires that make for a more comfortable ride.  A 3 wheeled scooter is more maneuverable than a 4 wheeler. To use a scooter, you must have some mobility since you'll have to pull your leg over the center. 

If you're taking the bus (and most scooter/power-chair users have to), then be sure to tell the salesperson/occupational therapist that detail. Scooters that can go on the bus need to be smaller.  My co-worker's parents have a modified mini-van for wheelchairs, but I believe the modification costs between $10-20,000.  An interesting tid-bit is that you should try to contact your local transit authority.. in Vancouver, you can book a bus where you'd be able to practice moving your mobility device on and off the bus.  Interesting.

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